#Ukraine.#Volnovakha.#News.#Help.#Military.#Love.#ATO.#Hell.#ДНР.#ЛНР.#Terrorists.#Paris.#France.#Kyiv.#Revolution.#Yevromaydan.#Євромайдан.#Новини.#Євро.#Революція.#Штурм.#Crimea.#Russia.#Крим.#Сімферополь.#Raska.#Russian invaders.#Putin.#Yanukovych.#Kharkiv.#Lugansk.#Donets'k.#Харків. #Луганськ. #Донецьк. #Візитка Яроша.#Cut Jarosz. #Правий Сектор.#Right Sector.
неділя, 14 грудня 2014 р.
вівторок, 9 грудня 2014 р.
Confessions of separatists who had gone against his: at the beginning of our land to host any filth and scum
Tell us briefly as possible: about himself, his family, why, and how did you decide to side with LC.
- All my life I have lived here in Luhansk, here I was born here and my parents were born. In the family, the three of us, I have two older sisters, but they are still a young man left his home and now by watching everything going on. I have to say that the idea of maintaining the LC my family received with great enthusiasm, and we became a supporter of secession or as fashionable now to speak of federalization. In all of this, in our house never heard words like "fascists Bendera and other" in relation to the rest of the inhabitants of the regions of Ukraine. The only thing that we have taken the "verbal weapons" is - the junta. An example of separation for us, I mean people with head and not of the prick-uporotyh trash and filth, which is now up to their elbows in blood, was the Crimea. Yes, we know that no victims in this case, can not do, because the situation is a little different, but we sincerely hope for a rapid and immediate assistance to Russia. My father and I stood in the front ranks of the defenders of the LC, but knowing what will happen then, perhaps, a thousand times would think.
What did you do or rephrase a question of who you beat in the LC?
- I will not hide the fact that just until recently, I was one of those whom you called Lugandonami. I will say more, I commanded one of the units of the LC, it is still what you call it: a gang, gang squad. The detachment is not great, we did not perform strategic objectives, several times stood guard at checkpoints, went to explore, to confess, entered more than once in the fight.
Why are you still shredding his original ideas and goals. Why did you decide to leave the guerrillas and fight against your former comrades?
- After my family and I saw with my own eyes "all the atrocities Kiev junta," look at what is happening on the part of the Donbass, without being influenced by mozgopromyvochnoy Russian press.
I have to say, I'm still not happy with the policy of Kiev, but what we have experienced the hard way God forbid anyone. And then before we still realized that the whole idea of LC-DNR - this is just a cover and cover for the outright destruction of Ukraine through the death of my native Donbas. I was forced to send the family away from here, seeing the chaos that started happening, and I'm glad that I had to do it, let my father and I had to force to leave. I maintain close relations with them. We are constantly contacted by telephone. Necessary, as in spy movies to change SIM cards and talking on a neutral language only we can understand the topic. No, I did not immediately rushed to the guerrillas, not once betrayed the idea, though not, it turns out, no idea LC. All come with time and in comparison to why we started to struggle in the beginning, and it is all turned into now. At the beginning of our land to host any filth and scum. Only someone I never met. Probably, most of you who have been following the developments in the press of my testimony is not new, but still I will say about those who have seen with their own eyes or in person spoke. On the side of your rather have our enemy is fighting a huge amount of Russian as military personnel, with complete official orders and retirees Chechens, Moldovans, Georgians, former Ukrainian military and police, as well as many foreigners. Personally, I had to deal with the Serbs saw the Spaniard on the passport, but his mother from Donetsk, even saw black. You understand most of them either LC or DNI have no meaning, they are fighting for the money. Who paid for it and fight. I know of cases that proposed for higher remuneration militants crossed into other categories and killed former colleagues. All have long gone out of Moscow's control, it is no wonder that the Russian military is given a clear indication of "restore order" as himself, and the way fighters bleed together. But believe me, the militants have also not stupid people, and they realized that they begin to clean up their Russian brothers and therefore are increasingly clashes between the regular troops of the Russian Federation with the militants.
Now there is an open robbery of Donbass, the destruction of all that has been created by us, indigenous and local people. Enrichment of all this bandoty due dohnuschih from hunger, cold, and that now the most important information blockade women, children and the elderly. They do not care about all! EVERYONE! Girkin, shmirkiny, devils, small, Givi, Motorola and other psevdogeroi, they also live from dose to dose. Each has its own dose, enough to prick someone who sniff who drink, and most of the brains zamylili so that they are even willing to kill for the native pseudo ideas. The worst thing is that many of them do not even want to sit down and try to lay down the image into one, so they do not get it - because it does not exist.
How was your role in the formation partisan? How do you intend your group?
- Once I spoke to his men openly, with all those in whom was sure that will not sell and not give up. Many a soul boiling, everyone has their own, but we agreed on one thing: either we become clean our land from the filth, or is it no one can. Ukrainian army to attack no one gives orders, and protect at least that has not been destroyed, we just have to. After all, these creatures there is nothing sacred, they raped women, taken recently in simple, the idea of people duped. They stuffed belly and bawling drunken songs in the heat when people are dying of hunger. And we began to act. We do not throw all that horrible. We try to act rarely, but to the point, because we also want to live. We, too, have their own motives. I will not hide that the place is so far that our main engine. We tried to exterminate particularly dangerous part of the militants. We do not have much, but believe me, in the last month, we became much more.
For you, it is no secret that over the separatist activities, which you do before you will be charged, and a considerable period, if you are held Ukrainian law enforcement agencies. What do you think about this?
- Perhaps someone will think that our guerrilla activities we want to beg or earn forgiveness of the Ukrainian authorities, because of our past deeds we each face a prison sentence, as you rightly pointed out. So I reply that it is not determinative now. Still a lot of work and not the fact that we remain alive. But when we finish with the war, then we'll see.
I can not but ask you a very important question. How do you see the problem? How long will to continue the war?
- Believe me, a person who is experiencing it all every day, not soon end. But if we will have more, and we will act decisively, and this applies to your power, rather than sit ass in the chair, the end of the war will come much faster. No OSCE observers and no one else except the common people can not do anything. If the world wanted to help, we would have helped. Warm clothes and grub - it's good, but they do not destroy the installation of hail, the tank is not podobesh and Putin will not stop. I'm here, in the war that is not very visible all these sanctions and verbal condemnation from other countries.
First of all, we will bounce your hand at these damn convoys that bring weapons and ammunition for the militants. They have openly discharged, not hiding. Does anyone not smart enough to follow the law of increasing and strengthening of warfare with each arrival of the convoy?
Why I decided on their own risk to give you an interview, but because we need to know about. Guerrillas have! We are few, but we are! We will fight and help than we can. Ceases to be afraid of people clatter weapons mercenaries. I'll tell you one thing, a hungry man is much less scary, because anything he would die of hunger, or go and try to get food himself and his family. And now eating only the militants and the Ukrainian army. Here are just a dill share everything they can, and fighters take last. How long do you think so to be able to continue? Time of course will tell, but cold and hungry winter, as it is now not sound sacrilegious, is not on the side of the militants. Joint decisive action now will be able to turn the tide. Because if the Kiev government will give an opportunity to the rebels during the winter foothold in logistically, then it will be the worst thing, then they may stop at nothing and will go forward. And then, the number of victims will not grow at times, and not dozens of times .... ".
Dali of bіlshe talking about home Volodymyr, that yogo Plagne schodo nashoї podalshoї spіvpratsі. In reshtі Rasht, of zіyshlis on the fact scho hour od hour Volodymyr іnkognіto Buda figure out we іnterv'yu of exclusive, and in razі mene all. Trimaymo fists i pobazhaєmo Volodimir that yogo tovarisham mіtsnogo Zdorov'ya that vdachі. Berezhіt currently. Glory to Ukraine - Heroes of the Glory!
Vіv besіdu Roman Kononenko
неділя, 7 грудня 2014 р.
Occupants Raska brought in Lugansk and Donetsk regions as famine in 1932-1933/1946-1947
Occupants Raska brought in Lugansk and Donetsk regions as famine in 1932-1933/1946-1947
Planned confiscation of grain yield and all other food from the peasants by the Soviet authorities during the famine of 1932-33 led directly to the murder of millions of peasants hunger scale, with the Soviet authorities had significant reserves of grain reserves and made exports abroad during the famine, banned and blocked starving outside Ukraine, refused to accept aid for starving from abroad. Although the actions of Stalin's regime that led to deaths by hunger, qualified under the rules of the then Soviet criminal law as murder, the reasons for this mass crime in the Soviet Union had not investigated and none of the powers involved in the crime, punished while the even the highest Soviet leadership, including Stalin knew about the deaths from starvation.
For decades, the massacre of people made famine not only deliberately suppressed by the Soviets, but generally forbidden to anyone remember where.
Studies Mace and Robert Conquest's authors argue that the Holodomor meets the generally accepted definition of genocide. 24 countries officially recognized the Holodomor as genocide against the Ukrainian people. According to a poll conducted in 2010, 60% of respondents believe Ukraine Holodomor as genocide. 2003, the Ukrainian parliament called and 2006 - officially recognized the Holodomor as genocide against the Ukrainian people. 2010 trial ended in a criminal investigation into the crime of genocide. Those to blame the court found seven top leaders of the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR, namely, General Secretary of the CPSU (b) of Joseph Stalin, secretary of the CPSU (b) Lazar Kaganovich and Pavel Moiseyevich Postysheva head of People's Commissars of the USSR Vyacheslav Molotov, general secretary of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) In Stanislaus Kosior, second secretary of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) Khatayevych Mendel, head of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR Vlas Chubar and stated that, according to scientific examination demographic total number of casualties from famine is 3 million 941 thousand people. Also, according to the investigation, it was determined that the loss of the unborn in Ukrainian are 6.122 million people.
With known nowadays documents (in particular) the conclusion of conscious organization leadership Soviet (Russian. The Soviet Russia, later - USSR) destruction of hunger is Ukrainian. Hunger was organized in all their ethnic lands, not only within the USSR. Organizational performance and open a prey farmers who sprychynyuvav hunger among the peasantry, using troops started no later than 1920, since when Ukraine was, as is clearly written - "Krasnaya army conquered in 1920". And the first organizers and leaders of these actions were V. Ulyanov-Lenin and L. Bronstein.
Farmers rent bread in the district of Kiev Baryshevsky districts, 1930
In 1930, the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Joseph Stalin gave impetus to a new wave of collectivization in the Soviet Union. In April of that year adopted a law on grain purchases, according to which the state farms had to take a quarter to a third of the harvested grain. Meanwhile, due to the Great Depression agricultural prices fell rapidly in the West. The Soviet Union was on the brink of economic crisis, because long-term loans no one gave him seeking to have a debt of the Russian Empire. To earn currency, it was decided to increase the sales of grain, resulting in grain procurement plans and improperly increased sharply, from collective climbed almost all the crops that motivated farmers to abandon work on the ground, and gave rise to massive uncontrolled urbanization. To combat this phenomenon, in December 1932, the Soviet Union was introduced internal passports.
Nikolaev has built Europe's largest elevator, 1930
Against this background, the food situation Ukrainian villages became more difficult. Because grain procurement from the 1931 harvest, which was delayed until the spring of 1932, in some rural areas of Ukraine famine, which killed about 150 thousand peasants. It lasted until such time as ripe harvest 1932.
On the other hand, with increasing pressure on farmers, aktyvizovuvavsya peasant resistance movement. Only according to the GPU, on 20 February to 2 April 1930 in Ukraine was held mass demonstrations in 1716, of which 15 qualified "as wide armed uprising against Soviet rule." They united to two thousand people and took place under the slogan: "Petliura requite us!", "Give other State," "Long live an independent Ukraine!", "Down with the USSR," "Let's win another freedom away commune ! ". In those days people were organized as they could have been even equestrian units. Weapons were forks, shovels, axes. Crowds of peasants from singing "Ukraine is still alive" eliminated local authorities. Of party and Komsomol members flee.
Famine in Ukraine 1946-1947 - famine (Holodomor third)
Which held the peoples of the USSR Russian Bolshevik (communist) dictatorship of 1946-1947, was due not so bad harvest postwar like Stalin's Politburo planned action with the aim to take away the remains of grain farmers and sell or give him brotherly regimes in the socialist camp. Yes, 1946 from the Soviet Union exported 350 thousand tons of grain to Romania in 1947 - 600 thousand tons of grain - Czechoslovakia, for those two years, Poland has received from the Soviet Union 900 thousand tons of grain. In Moldova, Bessarabia and southern regions of Ukraine famine spread rapidly and only the first half of 1947 officially reported 130 cases of cannibalism.
January 7 GB of USSR Ministry informed the MGB and the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of heavy food state farms Kirovograd region. Around 1223 the family had no food and were in a weakened condition with signs of degeneration. Particularly affected family farmers, dying at the front, large, family veterans of World War Chervonokam'yanskoho, Alexandria, Sand Brodsky Ustynivskoho, Podvysotskogo, Novoheorhiyevskoho, Velykovyskivskoho and Dobrovelychkivskyi areas.January 8 Ministry of State Security of USSR MGB sent a message about hunger in the Odessa region. Most cases of swelling and deaths from it occurred in Bilyaivka, Ovidiopolsky, Blahoyivskiy village council Ivanovo region, October, Haivoronskyy Kominternivsky and other districts. Then notified of the incidence of malnutrition and mortality among workers and farmers Dnipropetrovsk region. Guide Dnepropetrovsk plant, knowing of the existence of workers who suffered from malnutrition, did not take steps to help them. In Petrykivs'kyy and Petropavlovsk districts of the region have been registered 1,500 families in need of urgent help bread.
January 11th secretary of the Poltava Regional Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) sent a message V.Markov secretary of the CC CP (b) U of D. Korotchenko food difficulties and facts exhaustion and hunger in the region. In 1946 in Poltava region from 2460 farms for labor collective farmers issued to 100 grams of bread in 186 farms, from 100 g to 200 g - 812 farms, from 200 g to 300 g - 876 farms. In 58 farms issued on workday from 500 g to 1 kg of bread. Food situation worsened by the fact that due to the German occupation many farms remained the cows and had subsistence farming.
February 10, Dnipropetrovsk regional health department sent a memo Executive Committee and the Regional Committee of CP (b) In the cases of the disease in malnutrition among the population. At the beginning of February in 22 cities and regions registered 6476 patients, including adults - 4434 children - 2342. 887 people hospitalized. Due to the impossibility of hospitalization of patients most catastrophic situation in many areas, especially in Dnipropetrovsk, Dniprodzerzhynsk, Pavlograd, Nikopol and more. There were cases where hospitalization of patients with malnutrition, especially in rural areas, had positive effects, as in hospitals there was no food and food products.
February 12th Premier of the Soviet Union, Stalin and manager of the USSR Council of Ministers A.Chadayev sent a telegram to the Council of Ministers of the USSR. As an exception, were allowed to deliver bread from 15 February to June 1947 workers, employees and their families living in rural areas USSR in the amount of 260 thousand. In addition to those approved in February contingent, including 191 thousand. People of working age , at a rate of 200 grams of bread per day and 69 thousand. people disabled family members at a rate of 100 grams of bread per day.
субота, 6 грудня 2014 р.
Transgressed country-serve children in Chechnya.
History of Ukrainian Insurgent Army
Inextricably linked with the name Roman Shukhevich person who created the army and this led her for seven years until his death. He was born June 30, 1907 in Lviv, Ukrainian family of famous intellectuals Shukhevychiv . In his younger years was active in public life , particularly in the "reservoir" . He studied at Lviv Polytechnic and conservatory. In 1925 he was eighteen young man entered the Ukrainian Military Organization and, therefore , in 1929 , the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. During the years 1930-1934 Shuhevich led military Referenty Executive Board UNO. Under his direct leadership of OUN members made a number of daring acts of war . For this he was arrested by the Polish police and left prison. TPislya release from prison in 1937 he founded and headed the first and most famous Ukrainian Galicia advertising company " Fama ". In 1939 Shuhevich was one of the defenders of the newly Carpatho- Ukraine . Together with leading members of the OUN he went to the headquarters of " Carpathian Sich ". After the defeat of the Zaporozhian in an unequal struggle with the Hungarian army Shuhevich not stopped their activities and actively participated in the preparation of the OUN to the war that was close . The main objective of the second world war and Ukrainian nationalists
consider creating their own armed forces. It was therefore decided to use the German aid and create two battalions " Nachtigall " and "Roland" , also known as the wife of Ukrainian Nationalists ( tung ), which had become the basis of future Ukrainian army. One of the commanders Tung was Shukhevych . June 30, 1941 , he led soldiers " Nachtigall " entered the city. The same day, the OUN proclaimed the Act of the Ukrainian State and established Ukrainian government. Shuhevich became Deputy Minister of Military Affairs . In autumn 1942 began the creation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which was intended to resist the German and Soviet totalitarian regimes. In November 1943, the legendary chief commander of the UPA Shukhevych - " Taras Chuprynka ." On the eve of the return of the Soviet occupation in July 1944, merged Ukrainian political forces created underground
Parliament - Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council . General Secretariat headed UHVR Shukhevych . With the move of UPA in 1949 armed underground resistance to the totalitarian regime has acquired new forms and require uncommon sophistication , especially the leaders of the liberation movement . Despite the Herculean efforts of the NKVD, Roman Shuhevych valos even managed to go for treatment to the southern resorts. March 5, 1950 in the village . Bilohorscha around the city in the last battle against the invaders killed the commander of the army of immortals , general- lieutenant Shukhevych "Taras Chuprynka ."
Revolutionary flag Own ( UPA flag , flag OUNr , Bandera flag)
The tragic fate of the family of Stepan Bandera

Since the beginning of the Nazi occupation of Ukraine is one of the forces of resistance groups led by younger brother Stephen - Bogdan . He died in 1942 or 1943.
July 5, 1941 in Krakow Stepan Bandera was arrested. According to his wife, Yaroslav went to Berlin with a three-month daughter Natasha to be close to her husband. Bandera held first in prison and then - in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp , where he stayed until 1944. Brothers Alexander ( Dr. economics ) and Basil ( Graduate Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Lviv ) in 1942 murdered Polish officers over - capo in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Andrei Mikhailovich Bandera - the father of Stephen, was killed by the Soviets. Oksana sisters Martha and Mary , in 1941, was arrested and exiled to Siberia (Krasnoyarsk Territory). The Soviet leaders for decades did not allow them to return to Ukraine - Marta María Bandera died in exile in 1982 , and the old Oksana Bandera returned home only in 1989, after almost 50 years of living in Siberia. She died on 24 December 2008 .
Another sister - Vladimir - was in Soviet labor camps from 1946 to 1956.
Leadership Decision of 30 June 1941 proclaimed the restoration of Ukrainian State in Lviv. This event was an attempt to " put before the fact " leadership of the Third Reich and the Ukrainian struggle to get recognized . However, Hitler ordered his police to immediately liquidate this " conspiracy Ukrainian Self ." Bandera Germans arrested a few days after the proclamation act of renewal Ukrainian State - July 5, 1941 . German prisoner was Stepan Bandera until December 1944 then fired him and several other leading members of the OUN from prison , trying to join their forces OUN- B and UPA as an ally against Moscow. Now the German proposal rejected Stepan Bandera.
At the National Meeting of the Organization wider -B in the Ukrainian lands in February 1945 , which was interpreted as part of a large collection of OUN -B, elected a new Bureau of wires in the following list: Bandera, Shukhevych Stetsko. This choice proved Conference of the night OUN-B in 1947 and then again Bandera became head of the Organization throughout the OUN -B. As the OUN -B , Bandera in the postwar period decides to continue the armed struggle against Moscow. He actively organizes edge communication and battle groups of OUN -B, which keep a constant contact with the land until his death.
Putin terrorist group, Terrorist Raska
Putin terrorist group
Putin clan
Terrorist Raska
Terrorist № 1 Vladimir Putin (Huylo)
Born October 7, 1952 in Leningrad. Putin said that from childhood he was interested in Soviet films about spies and wanted to work in public safety.
In 1970-1975 he studied at the international department of the law faculty of Leningrad State University Zhdanov. The university joined the Communist Party and remained a member of the party to ban 1991.
uu Putin representatives of the media and politicians are often measured as terrorist activities.
André Glucksmann indicated that Putin "terrorist act" when taken measures for the release of hostages in the home theater center on Dubrovka (Moscow).
Putin accused of involvement in the organization of provocations that gave rise to the outbreak of war and military operations (in Chechnya, Georgia). Thus a series of terrorist attacks in Russia in 1999, which were the reason for the decision of the Second Chechen War, povyazuyut it with Putin. Former FSB claimed that there is evidence of involvement in the bombings of the FSB (the detention of its employees who were preparing terrorist attack in Ryazan) was led by Putin. Wrote about this former employee of FSB Alexander Litvinenko in his book "FSB of Russia vzrыvaet" murder which is associated with the FSB.
July 19, 2014 National Security Council secretary Andrew Paruby in an interview with Washington Post said, "We are not just going Ukrainian-Russian war. The world must understand that this - the global war nuclear terrorist state led by terrorist number 1 against global security system. Ukraine just as often in history, is fighting on the front line. "
White House spokesman Joshua Ernest July 26, 2014 reported that, according to the US government, Russian President Vladimir Putin is to blame for the destruction of Malaysia Airlines aircraft in a war zone in Ukraine.
British lawyers are preparing a class action lawsuit against the President of Russia through US courts. By senior Russian generals and politicians close to Putin is also likely to be made legal claims.
July 28, 2014 Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Alexander Gerashchenko said: "The terrorists managed by Putin, and if he orders to carry out attacks across the country, we will face major problems that we still decide how strong nation."
General Salim Idris, Chief of Staff of the Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army claims that "President Putin lying. He lied from the beginning of the revolution in Syria. He knows that the regime is killing our citizens. He knows that the regime is killing civilians and uses Russian weapons and ammunition, the Russian T-72 tanks and Russian missiles "Scud" in order to destroy all the liberated area to kill people everywhere. <...> And I think President Putin - terrorist ".
During March of Solidarity with Ukraine in Warsaw November 23, 2014 the Polish Sejm deputy Malgorzata Hoshyevska expressed its support for Ukraine and noted that "Putin - the world's largest terrorist. And Europe can beat it, but united. "...
Terrorist № 2 Sergei Ivanov - Head of the Presidential Administration of Russia, a permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.
Terrorist № 3Sergey Shoygu - Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation. Army General, Hero of the Russian Federation.
Terrorist № 4 Igor Sechin - President of "Rosneft", chairman of the state company "Rosneftehaz", former deputy head of the Presidential Administration of Russia, former Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.
Terrorist № 5Nikolai Patrushev Platonovich - Secretary of Security, General of the Army (11.07.2001), Hero of the Russian Federation (2001).
Terrorist № 6 Valery V. Gerasimov - Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, General of the Army.
Terrorist № 7Vladimir Yakunin - President of JSC "Russian Railways".
Terrorist № 8Alexey Borisovich Miller (n. Oleksiy B. Miller January 31, 1962, Leningrad) - Chairman of OAO "Gazprom", deputy chairman of the board of directors of companies "Gazprom Neft", "Gazprombank" and "SOGAZ". PhD in Economics. It has a number of state awards, including the "Order of Merit" IV degree received in 2006 for his contribution to the development of gas industry.
In January 2001, the media reported that Miller may be the successor to Energy Minister Alexander Havrina. However, May 30, 2001 Miller was elected chairman of the Board of OJSC "Gazprom" (succeeding Remus Vyahyryeva). According to sources the newspaper "Vedomosti", Miller himself refused the offered him a ministerial post from hopeless.
That same year, the first time Miller was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC "Gazprombank" (later - JSC Joint Stock Bank (AB) "Gazprombank", OAO "Gazprombank"). In the future (as of September 2008), he retained the post of chairman of the board of directors "Gazprombank".
Media claimed that the appointment of "Putin's man" in place Vyahyreva was for management of "Gazprom" complete surprise. About the company he learned an hour before the meeting of the Board of Directors - during a conversation with the president in the Kremlin. According to some media, this designation meant that Putin decided to take control of the gas empire in their hands. Miller himself after news agencies said purpose that is intended to provide continuity and enhance the role of the state in the company.
May 6, 2002 the government appointed Miller representative of the state as a shareholder to attend the annual meeting of shareholders.
In late 2004 - early 2005 "Gazprom" has called for an increase in the price of gas delivered abroad. Another significant gas supplier - Turkmenistan - also intend to increase the price of gas. In January 2006, the media reported that "Gazprom" and Ukrainian "Naftogaz" agreed on Russian gas supplies to Ukraine, but in June 2006, Miller led the company refused to buy gas from Turkmenistan and Kyiv became interested in the possibility of a contract "Naftogaz" with Turkmenistan on direct gas supplies without "Gazprom".
In late October 2005, the group minoritariyiv oil company "Yukos" (mostly US citizens) filed in Washington County Court class action lawsuit against the Russian Federation and a number of Russian energy companies and their leaders (including Miller) and ministers. The plaintiffs accused of conspiring to "actual nationalization" of "Yukos", resulting in lost minoritariyi expected profits. On the same day the news agency Reuters reported that representatives of "Gazprom" received a summons to the subpoena.
In February 2006, the lawyers of "Gazprom", "Rosneft" and "Rosneftehaza" and advocates chapter Ministry of Industry Viktor Khristenko and Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin sued the District of Columbia (USA) joint request for deferment of presenting answers to claims minoritariyev "Yukos". March 23 minoritariyev lawyers said they received a summons and the Russian Federation as a whole. March 24 the Russian Foreign Ministry denied the report, and in May 2006, lawyers sued minority shareholders "Yukos" sent to Washington district court petition asking to reject the claim. By the end of September 2006 petition has not yet been reviewed.
Times guidance Miller marked the occasion o gas conflict with Ukraine and the rapid rise of natural gas to Ukraine: prices increased the level of $ 50 in 2005 to $ 179.5 in 2008.
Terrorist № 9 Herman Gref Oskarovich - President and CEO of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, a member of the board of trustees of the Russian Council on Foreign Affairs, chairman of the Center for Strategic Research, a member of the board of Yandex.
Terrorist № 10 Alexei Kudrin - Minister of Finance of the Russian government from 2000 to 2011, member of the Presidium of the Economic Council under the President of the Russian Federation, chief researcher at the Institute of Economic Policy Studies. E. T. Gaidar.
Terrorist № 11 Alexander Voloshin Stalevych - the former head of the Russian presidential administration, board member Yandex.
Terrorist № 12/13Arkady Rotenberg R. - Russian businessman friend of President Vladimir Putin, said the priority for an area of oil and gas construction. Over the past five years of related Arkady Rotenberg, estimated Forbes, received state contracts worth more than 1 trillion rubles. His brother Boris Rotenberg - entrepreneur, manager, co-owner and board member SMP Bank ("Northern Sea Route"), vice-president of the Federation of Judo, president of FC "Dynamo" (Moscow). Rotenberg brothers - owners of "North European Pipe project."
Terrorist № 14 Michael Maratovych Friedman (b. April 21, 1964, Lviv) - Russian businessman, founder of the consortium "Alpha-group". Chairman of the Board of Alfa Bank through which finance terrorists in eastern Ukraine, Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Alfa Group", chairman of the oil company "TNK-BP", member of the board of directors "VimpelCom" and Member of the Board of Directors of Pyaterochka Holding NV and board member of the Bureau of the Russian Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs, a member of the Public Chamber, vice-president of the Russian Jewish Congress, Chairman of the Conference of the leaders of Jewish organizations. Winner of a number of prestigious awards in the field of business and entrepreneurship, repeatedly held leading positions in Russian and international rankings of the most effective managers. In 2006, took 6th place among the richest Russians and 50 th - a ranking of the richest people in the world
In autumn 2005, Friedman joined the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation as a representative of the Union military families. In September 2006, the International Union of public associations of veterans of the armed forces and law enforcement Dmitry Kamchatkyn said the election Friedman in the public chamber as a representative of the Union "does not fit into any limits of decency" because neither the businessman nor his close relatives in the army ratio had. Kamchatkyn said that military families Union intends to achieve withdrawal Friedman, but remained a member of businessman OP.
Friedman is a desk and composition of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), dealing with judicial reform. He is a member of the National Council on Corporate Governance (advisory body that ob'yednuyuye heads of major Russian companies and the federal government), member of the International Advisory Council on Foreign Relations (USA), member of the Board of banking under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Friedman is married and has two daughters. His hobbies - travel. He likes to drive himself, has long admired racing jeep.
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