неділя, 2 листопада 2014 р.

How to counter sniper

How to counter sniper 

In 2001 he published a special issue of the magazine "Soldier of Fortune". It was called "Sniper". And there was a memo. Distributed among the members of the federal forces in Chechnya. 
  How to counter sniper (repost). War Information, Sniper 
It occurs most often in the sniper environment, but the information contained in it, will be useful as infantrymen, and everyone who was in the combat zone. 

1. The enemy snipers usually does not act alone, but as part of a sniper team. 
2. Sniper, armed with a sniper rifle foreign production, small-caliber sporting rifle, carbine, rifle SVD with night sight, equipped with night vision binoculars, together with arrows group, armed with machine guns with night sights, you can detect and hit the day at the distance up to 500 meters over night - 300 meters. Moving wheeled and tracked vehicles, he discovers at night at a distance of over 1000 meters. 
  How to counter sniper (repost). War Information, Sniper 
3. enemy snipers primarily affects the most important and vulnerable target. Remember that he can hunt and you. 

4. Clear guidelines and clearly distinguishable boundaries facilitate enemy snipers conduct aimed fire. Masks the place of its location, equipment 2 - 3 replacement position as often as possible to change them. 
5. enemy snipers are equipped with pre-primary and alternate firing positions, which are selected in inconspicuous places, providing them a good review. The city, with a powerful group cover (15-20 pers.), A sniper holding a dominant high-rise buildings. In small groups (3-4 people). He equips firing position on the lower and middle floors, deep space, facilitating his transition to the alternate position. Always Inspect surrounding area, define its position on the reach of possible sniper fire place and entertain him. 
6. Sniper enemy strikes the target in the most vulnerable, are not covered by body armor parts of the body and head. Never neglect the means of body armor. When moving or leaving the APC, not to expose enemy weak spots. 

7. enemy snipers during both day and night active at soundmasking single rifle shots of intense gunfire. Unsighted shooting enemy may indicate the beginning of the snipers. 
8. The enemy sniper teams, including several machine gunners and grenade throwers, act boldly: arrows, usually at night, provoking retaliatory fire from our positions, enemy snipers on muzzle flashes quickly identify targets and hit them; the nomination to the position of a sniper armored enemy bomber group, its member, ambush strikes our armored targets. Be steadfast, does not reveal itself, wherein the simulation of enemy action themselves, lead fire on harassing fire only lead to closed positions. 
  How to counter sniper (repost). War Information, Sniper 
9. favorite tactics of enemy snipers, especially at night, are the actions of the ambush, secrets, by prepared terrain. 

When traveling do not be a good target! 

10. enemy snipers conducting the observation may be found in the afternoon - by sun glare, night - with the help of night vision devices. Organize and lead constantly watching, do not include night vision, without making sure that the enemy does not inspect the area using the same instruments. 
11. Continuous alerting enemy snipers to fire position may be different. Making one or two shots, it changes the firing position. Be very careful when observing. The change of position is very difficult to notice a sniper, but indirect evidence. 

12. enemy snipers can operate in complete isolation and masked not only from the federal troops, but also on their own. Conducting surveillance, special attention is drawn to the concealed approaches and location convenient to the location of firepower and observation points, which can cover the snipers Detection enemy sniper pairs contribute even small telltale signs: glitter, noise, vapor swing twigs, new items, changes in their position and shape and aphids.  How to counter sniper (repost). War Information, Sniper 
13. The enemy is cunning and crafty. Sniper often waits in a certain place, you must appear, for example near a dead or wounded soldier. By helping a wounded comrade, be careful and cautious, use smoke for covert approach to forestall await you sniper. 

14. When looking for a sniper, remember that it may be an old man and a teenager, and refugee women. Characteristic bruises on his shoulder issue them. 
  How to counter sniper (repost). War Information, sniper Post 
P.S. During the search, the sniper can be identified by a very characteristic feature. He, as any action movie, on the back of the belt will be the next weapon. Will bruise on his shoulder from the firing of the weapon. On the index finger is typical corn, from the trigger. Plus sniper around the eyes will be circular bruise from impacts optical sight when fired. And the woman is missing earring in his ear. On the other side of the body, which hand holds the sniper.

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