#Ukraine.#Volnovakha.#News.#Help.#Military.#Love.#ATO.#Hell.#ДНР.#ЛНР.#Terrorists.#Paris.#France.#Kyiv.#Revolution.#Yevromaydan.#Євромайдан.#Новини.#Євро.#Революція.#Штурм.#Crimea.#Russia.#Крим.#Сімферополь.#Raska.#Russian invaders.#Putin.#Yanukovych.#Kharkiv.#Lugansk.#Donets'k.#Харків. #Луганськ. #Донецьк. #Візитка Яроша.#Cut Jarosz. #Правий Сектор.#Right Sector.
вівторок, 24 грудня 2013 р.
пʼятниця, 20 грудня 2013 р.
понеділок, 16 грудня 2013 р.
Artisto - Revolution Ukraine [гімн Євромайдану - Euromaidan anthem]
I do not want sausages, I do not want fat in order to star in the kremlin never sowed!!!
субота, 14 грудня 2013 р.
четвер, 12 грудня 2013 р.
Such a future for us and our children with new adopted "Stalinist" laws!
Such a future for us and our children with new adopted "Stalinist" laws!
Browse all who care about the fate of the Ukrainian nation
неділя, 8 грудня 2013 р.
середа, 4 грудня 2013 р.
He government wants to make Ukraine famine in the western areas
Transcarpathian, Lviv, Volyn, IvanoFrankivsk , Ternopil and Rivne regions preschools and kindergartens and schools do not receive funding for children in kindergartens , pre-schools and schools of hungry by half , if not neyidyat and starving , parents buy their own food in gardens to feed their children in while prezedent government and MPs zhiruyut drive expensive cars eat in expensive restaurants, expensive delicacies fly abroad to rest and keep the stolen money in afshornyh areas in the Cayman Islands and another in bahath other banks ...
четвер, 24 жовтня 2013 р.
City Komarno
70 years ago , in June 1941 , in Western Ukraine began bloodiest wave of Bolshevik repression. People were tortured , not only for what they perceived Bolshevik power and hide their Ukrainian identity or were members of the Ukrainian community or sporting organizations, but instead that fell under the hot hand or just did not like the angry and frightened NKVedystu that is something that just were Ukrainian . Do not omitted these horrors and Komarne . The fact that this happened in the June days in Lviv Komarni journal " Ukrainian Daily News" among the number 7 on July 13, 1941 , entitled " Komarno.Nashi loss Komarni " wrote : " Jewish- Bolshevik pack of passed right in their scores on Ukrainian community and Komarne . Here tortured and cruelly tortured : I. Zderko Nicholas, a high school teacher in Komarni 2. Radovic Dmitry gymnasium absolvent 3. Sorokivskyy Andrew, shoemaker in Komarni 4. Lenets Michael , 5. Lenets Grynko 6. Hubychi Michael , the owner .
There is no vistok a number of people arrested Bolsheviks , and c and. and of: Lishchynskyy Michael inspector Komarnivskoho school district; Pelenski Yarema, Pelenski Michael. "
" The victims of Bolshevik terror Komarni " published a more detailed description of the bloody Bolshevik orgy. " The 7 including our journal we submitted a list of some tortured citizens Komarni . Now we get more information about what the hell that he endured Ukrainian Komarne . Prison in Komarni is in the middle of town, near the court, opposite the church of St.. Peter and Paul. Already during the war , one night, the neighbors heard screams in prison , but under threat of death, no one dared to look out into the yard. Once midnight came the Germans , people on Monday , June thirty , dawn , found in the courtyard of the prison a fresh grave dug its Jews . In the tomb were 23 corpses, but such zmasakrovani that only clothes and shoes 6 families recognize their closest , which individually buried.
Among the recognized teacher Nicholas Zderko povykolyuvani had scorched eyes and head, black as the main . Absolvent school Dmitry Radovic (known from the silent persistence ) had one foot bare and scorched , and leather sole rolled up unto the calf . This one-way obnazhenyy also prypikanyy , had also broken the nether cheek. Took it to the last minute trick. Told him on Wednesday June 25 card spread to suburbs to the next day morning, left the carts , and ordered to come then give an account . Went to this report , and never returned.
After shoemaker Andrew Sorokivskyy lying separately unburied in a strange position. He probably told to dig himself a grave . He half lying , half standing waist-deep in a hole . A rash word for perish . Nadletiv German plane and he's on the market as of himself, said: " Lucky Bolsheviks breakfast ." This two zhydenyat heard , no one else .
Tortured them all night from Thursday to Friday, and at the latest from Friday to Saturday. "
There, in particular , can be read : " Day June 26, 1941 morning, at about h . 3rd silent voices mordovanyh and last bang NKVD. At the prison vonyav frantically terrible sopuh pomordovanyh NKVD- ystamy in zvirskyy method bodies arrested persons . By coming to Komarne German army zhlyadno Slovak military unit crowd of local people at once with their families arrested and pomordovanyh NKVD- ystamy persons broke into the court house and court to prison where caught a terrible image , compared with yaknm Danteyske hell no . The people saw that everything survived the terrible moments amidst incredible sopuhu . Not all body pomordovanyh bolshovytskymy executioners were buried in the ground , and let us not forget that it was the last day of the month of June. Approved that the NKVD- ysty polomyly victims of torture feet had brought their ships nails. All arrested were connected with barbed wire for zaterttya a bloody crime NKVD- ysty body pomordovanyh poured petrol and set fire to them with acts of judgment and buried in the prison yard . Some prisoners living NKVD- ysty rozstsrilyuvaly among the roar of cars. After the death of Prof. , M. Zderka executioners finished off his ax, he broke a cheek and nose. Approved that this atrocity wrought farmer from the village Bereztsya b. Komarne that was firman of the NKVD, as well as the NKVD- ysty Abaza, Lozovyy and two local Jews , informers , James Freedman and Graf.
M. Zderko murdered before his death left a terrible proof of the crime bills are hid in prison rooms ( with ), and giving the names pomordovanyh , wrote the words : "... we murder the innocent , now shot, forgive ..." Caption: M Zderko .
In addition to the stables ( shed for storing ) found buried in the ground in the prison dress pomordovanyh area where people are beaten , I FOUND later one pair of shoes specially stuffed with nails and stuck knives and bloody gloves that cut zatyahav torture at the hands . Residue postyahano pomordovanyh skin of the hands . "
For perpetuated the memory of those murdered in 1942 Komarne congregation built a monument on which the names of the victims stamped (descriptions set forth verbatim):
Karabyn Peter lit.37 Tatar.
Grynyshyn Grynko lit.27 Horzhanna Val .
Daniltsa Fevronia lit.18 Novosilky brew .
Derevianko Anastasia lit.29 Verbizh
Sorokivskyy Andrew lit.35 shoemaker Komarno
Radovic Nicholas lit.31 stud. univ . Komarno
Zderko Nicholas lit.42 prof. fil . Komarno
Perun Ananias lit.33 stud. Medicine tsp. OUN Komarno
Three unknown
Matsiyovskyy Olexa lit.46 Horozhanna Val .
Behen Andrew 29 years Novosilky brew .
Seniv Bone lit.46 Horozhanna Val .
Dyachyshyn Olexa lit.45 U.H.D. Horozhanna Val .
Dr. . Klipko John lit.45 doctor Felshtyn -Komarno
Derevianko John lit.29 Novosilky brew .
Seniv Olexa lit41 U.S.S. Horozhanna Val .
Ivan Kuzyk 40 years Horozhanna Val .
Spider Stephen lit.30 Horozhanna Val .
Lyaskovsky Stephen lit.25 member O.U.N. Horozhanna
Kordiyaka Yuri lit.25 member O.U.N Horozhanna Small
John Kruk lit.35 Komarno
John Jaworski years. 31 member O.U.N Novosilky Oparski
After the return of " liberators " stately monument clearly did not fit in politics " Sovietization " Western Ukraine , especially in the ideological part of this policy, and so in 1946 it was destroyed .
In 1991, at the initiative and under the direction of resident Komarne , chairman of the church committee church of Sv. Peter and Paul , Gregory Mysakovtsya community of restored monument in the same form as it was before 1946.
In the central part of the monument during tsho trident wrote :
середа, 16 жовтня 2013 р.
четвер, 10 жовтня 2013 р.
In honor of the memory of heroes of OUN UPA
Hello to all readers of my blog !

I want to write a bit about the Ukrainian national team who played football at the stadium "Arena Lviv" in Ukrainian national team statistics, never losing the stadium and after last playing FIFA banned playing football at the stadium "Arena Lviv" for pictures of Ukrainian national heroes Stepan Bandera and General Shukhevich soup and called them Nazis in the British Journal of fare.A symbols of Ukrainian Insurgent Army called fascist and if Phare not know the history of Ukraine that is Ukrainian Insurgent Army, and read and look at the site so it's not quite there so many lies written and tell about the OUN UPA and our national heroes , wrote that the UPA destroyed Jews roztrilyuvaly and so is falsehood writes history and recently rozsekrechyni secret data MGB , KGB, NKVD . Here is information on the history of the OUN UPA
Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council (UHVR) was established in July 1944 as the highest political leadership of the Ukrainian liberation movement. Its purpose was to console Daci Ukrainian political forces that recognize the need for an armed liberation struggle, and external representation of the liberation movement in the world. Great collection UHVR , held under the control of Rostislav Voloshin as head and strong man like Nicholas secretary, formulated and adopted the basic legal documents UHVR - " device ", " Platform " and " Universal " - and elected governing bodies UHVR . Born in Poltava , Ukrainian activist
Central Council of 1917-1918 , Cyril Osmak became president , a prominent political figure interwar period vitsespiker Polish Sejm Basil Wise , Rev. Dr. John Hrynoh theology and a native of Kharkov John Vovchuk - first, second and third vice -presidents , Professor Jaroslav Belenky - the judge , Gen. Shukhevych - Chairman of the General Secretariat and the General Secretary of military Affairs , Mykola Lebed - General Secretary of Foreign Affairs , Rostislav Voloshin - The Secretary of the Interior. Thus was formed the underground Ukrainian parliament that decade grip until the last General Secretary UHVR Basil Cook led the liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people.
One of the main reasons for the normal functioning of the army is the constant medical care . From the beginning, in the departments of Ukrainian Insurgent Army created some health services . When the spring of 1943 the structure of the UPA was unified , there arose a special medical service - Ukrainian Red Cross ( UCHH ). UCHH objective was to provide care for the sick and wounded warriors , to attract qualified physicians to establish the supply and production of drugs, equip underground hospital , to conduct training for health professionals and novice warriors , prepare manuals for medicine. Ukrainian doctors worked in two ways : some were in the armed struggle, attached to the detachments of the UPA , which provided first aid to the wounded , often bringing them out of the fire and delivering to hospitals . Other doctors working at district military hospitals where severely brought . These doctors , but the rebels, and treated the civilian population affected by the terror of German , Soviet or Polish punitive
units. Interestingly, among the rebel doctors had many Jewish rebels escaped from German reprisals. Today, well-known names or pseudo hundreds of doctors who , despite repression and persecution by the Stalinist regime,
bravely did their duty in helping the rebels .
One of the most difficult problems that were encountered during command UPA deployment was petty lack of personnel. The absence of the state in the prewar period predetermined own lack of military commanders with command experience life. Therefore, among the commanders of the UPA were soldiers who have this experience in foreign armies ( Polish, German, Soviet ), or the older generation of officers who served in the Ukrainian Army 1917-1920 . But these people were not enough to meet the needs of the army that grew. Because the UPA began to create their own pidstarshynski and schools for that in a clandestine team trained personnel for the army. Total there were four
s t a i ns PU b k and schools , " Druzhinniki ", " forest devil ", " Hrehit " and " Lena ", which produced several hundred officers.
For such a shameful insult our national heroes in place Phare I'd brought a formal apology to the Ukrainian national team and the whole Ukraine and put flowers on the graves and monuments to Stepan Bandera and General Shukhevich
History OUN UPA
History OUN UPA
History of Ukraine - a story of the struggle of its people for independence. Most clearly and most massive Ukrainian aspirations for their own state manifested itself in the twentieth century. Finally, 24 August 1991 this has been achieved , and the world map has a new state. But even years after the event of the heroic struggle
Ukrainian is very little known not only in the world but also within Ukraine itself. The consequences of colonial times still hangs over its past . Still not the greatest controversy in Ukraine and beyond is the period of armed struggle under the leadership of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN ) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA ), over decade resistance of these structures German and Soviet regimes. This question is constantly trying to use the various political forces to disconnect the Ukrainian people, although the idea of struggle for independence would have a consolidating factor for him.
Importantly, in the territory where the UPA acted , people have long recognized the rebels - in almost every village in Western Ukraine can be seen a monument erected by the community , there still remember the names of heroes who came to their village, not just the older generation , but young people persistently singing rebel songs. In contrast to other localities of Ukraine to the UPA are wary or even openly hostile. This is a clear proof that such an attitude is formed not by his own experience with the rebels , but only the result of the advocacy of the Soviet regime .
Therefore, it was necessary to tell everyone about available UPA source of its creation, history of the persons who created it . Tell understandable language - the language of pictures. Looking into the eyes of those young men and women who are more than half a century ago shed their blood for our future , everyone will now be able to make their own conclusions about who they were and that memory itself deserve to be able to understand the truth about the Ukrainian Insurgent Army , the history unbroken .
понеділок, 7 жовтня 2013 р.
Honor and Glory to the heroes of OUN UPA
History of Ukrainian Insurgent Army
Inextricably linked with the name Roman Shukhevich person who created the army and this led her for seven years until his death. He was born June 30, 1907 in Lviv, Ukrainian family of famous intellectuals Shukhevychiv . In his younger years was active in public life , particularly in the "reservoir" . He studied at Lviv Polytechnic and conservatory. In 1925 he was eighteen young man entered the Ukrainian Military Organization and, therefore , in 1929 , the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. During the years 1930-1934 Shuhevich led military Referenty Executive Board UNO. Under his direct leadership of OUN members made a number of daring acts of war . For this he was arrested by the Polish police and left prison. TPislya release from prison in 1937 he founded and headed the first and most famous Ukrainian Galicia advertising company " Fama ". In 1939 Shuhevich was one of the defenders of the newly Carpatho- Ukraine . Together with leading members of the OUN he went to the headquarters of " Carpathian Sich ". After the defeat of the Zaporozhian in an unequal struggle with the Hungarian army Shuhevich not stopped their activities and actively participated in the preparation of the OUN to the war that was close . The main objective of the second world war and Ukrainian nationalists
consider creating their own armed forces. It was therefore decided to use the German aid and create two battalions " Nachtigall " and "Roland" , also known as the wife of Ukrainian Nationalists ( tung ), which had become the basis of future Ukrainian army. One of the commanders Tung was Shukhevych . June 30, 1941 , he led soldiers " Nachtigall " entered the city. The same day, the OUN proclaimed the Act of the Ukrainian State and established Ukrainian government. Shuhevich became Deputy Minister of Military Affairs . In autumn 1942 began the creation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which was intended to resist the German and Soviet totalitarian regimes. In November 1943, the legendary chief commander of the UPA Shukhevych - " Taras Chuprynka ." On the eve of the return of the Soviet occupation in July 1944, merged Ukrainian political forces created underground
Parliament - Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council . General Secretariat headed UHVR Shukhevych . With the move of UPA in 1949 armed underground resistance to the totalitarian regime has acquired new forms and require uncommon sophistication , especially the leaders of the liberation movement . Despite the Herculean efforts of the NKVD, Roman Shuhevych valos even managed to go for treatment to the southern resorts. March 5, 1950 in the village . Bilohorscha around the city in the last battle against the invaders killed the commander of the army of immortals , general- lieutenant Shukhevych "Taras Chuprynka ."
Revolutionary flag Own ( UPA flag , flag OUNr , Bandera flag)
The tragic fate of the family of Stepan Bandera

Since the beginning of the Nazi occupation of Ukraine is one of the forces of resistance groups led by younger brother Stephen - Bogdan . He died in 1942 or 1943.
July 5, 1941 in Krakow Stepan Bandera was arrested. According to his wife, Yaroslav went to Berlin with a three-month daughter Natasha to be close to her husband. Bandera held first in prison and then - in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp , where he stayed until 1944. Brothers Alexander ( Dr. economics ) and Basil ( Graduate Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Lviv ) in 1942 murdered Polish officers over - capo in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Andrei Mikhailovich Bandera - the father of Stephen, was killed by the Soviets. Oksana sisters Martha and Mary , in 1941, was arrested and exiled to Siberia (Krasnoyarsk Territory). The Soviet leaders for decades did not allow them to return to Ukraine - Marta María Bandera died in exile in 1982 , and the old Oksana Bandera returned home only in 1989, after almost 50 years of living in Siberia. She died on 24 December 2008 .
Another sister - Vladimir - was in Soviet labor camps from 1946 to 1956.
Leadership Decision of 30 June 1941 proclaimed the restoration of Ukrainian State in Lviv. This event was an attempt to " put before the fact " leadership of the Third Reich and the Ukrainian struggle to get recognized . However, Hitler ordered his police to immediately liquidate this " conspiracy Ukrainian Self ." Bandera Germans arrested a few days after the proclamation act of renewal Ukrainian State - July 5, 1941 . German prisoner was Stepan Bandera until December 1944 then fired him and several other leading members of the OUN from prison , trying to join their forces OUN- B and UPA as an ally against Moscow. Now the German proposal rejected Stepan Bandera.
At the National Meeting of the Organization wider -B in the Ukrainian lands in February 1945 , which was interpreted as part of a large collection of OUN -B, elected a new Bureau of wires in the following list: Bandera, Shukhevych Stetsko. This choice proved Conference of the night OUN-B in 1947 and then again Bandera became head of the Organization throughout the OUN -B. As the OUN -B , Bandera in the postwar period decides to continue the armed struggle against Moscow. He actively organizes edge communication and battle groups of OUN -B, which keep a constant contact with the land until his death.
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