субота, 6 вересня 2014 р.

What would Putin? Why does Russia want?

What would Putin? Why does Russia want?

By leading the war? For new land for natural resources for strategic territory Fle ... is it possible to fight for medieval history? Is it worth it mynulschyna 500, 800 and even 1000 years ago? 
Putin wants to return the Soviet Union? Russian Empire? Unfortunately, few people what he wants. 
Few want something, you must have objective reasons for radical action. We must feel the sharpness of the historical moment and be absolutely sure - either sink or swim. That omission deadly, most people will support you, but the loss of time and means guaranteed rate of collapse of the state in the future. 
Putin wants to stay in power, and democratic Ukraine "to export square" in Russia? Do the Russians want a true "non-sovereign" democracy? Philosopher Stanislav Ovcharenko believes that Russians intuitively feel the danger of democracy in Russia. 
And what is horrible is democracy in Russia? 
N - collectivists, farms were essentially the same communities imperial times. Russians are accustomed to kings and "Caesarism." N rave greatness, and without conflict with the United States, without demarches to all the world and without "kuzkynoyi mother" greatness somehow not visible. A conscientious and hard labor peace will this effect no earlier than ten years, not a short future. 
But how then to explain the democratic Yeltsin day? Let the short-lived? 
States are not created for a reason. States should or medieval roots, or formed on the ruins of empires. And usually, though not always, "fragments" have a certain ethnic roots. 
In 1990, Ramadan Abdulatypov, chairman of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, puzzled asked: "How Ukraine could be the state, it also does not have its history?" But why ethnic Avars then and now many Russians so concerned about the Ukrainian historiography? In those same years, Russian newspapers and magazines were full of outrageous quotations concerned readers: "In Ukraine, no one knows the story. They do not know what was Kievan Rus!" Apparently, the Russians, who know even the names of the Kievan princes can immediately give a professorship. 
The problem of the existence of the Ukrainian language - or rather the fact that such a language has never been, and there can not be - the central question "ruskaha measure." There is a certain logic: if the Ukrainian language is a dialect of Russian, crippled polonizmamy, the right to deny the existence of Ukraine it is useless. 
Why Russians are not very interested in philology, for example, the Moldovan language? Does the Law of Moldova on the existence or not it should merge with the half-Romania? 
The answer is simple, in fact everything in this world: for no Chisinau, Bucharest or not the "mother of Russian cities". 
There are some Romanians who sincerely believe that their ancestors lived 1000 years ago in ancient Rome that the Romans, not the Dacians and Vlachs were their great-grandfather. Why, then, their country called Rymlyaninoyu (Romania), is it coincidence? But any teacher of history knows that the heart Romanian "lies" in Bucharest and not in Rome. 
In the late 90's in Kramatorske Dmitry Panko gave Russian a small booklet entitled "Ukrainian Manyfest fundamentalyzma" where rhetorically asked why "in" bratskoy "Russia, heopolytyku in voennыh Academy, yzuchayut on textbooks, yzdannomu at sodeystvyy of Rossiyskogo General Staff, where hovorytsya: "... the fact of existence" suverennoy Ukraine "javljaetsja on heopolytycheskom LEVEL obъyavlenyem Russia heopolytycheskoy War"? "
That is, the existence of even a poor, impoverished, but still present Ukrainian state - is a geopolitical threat to Russia. 
Why Putin is angry that Macedonia is not a state, and Macedonian language - language is Serbian, corrupted bolharyzmamy? Again, as in Skopje never was nor Kievan princes or "Russian spirit". 
European politicians are unable to understand why Russia has resisted the European integration of Ukraine. Is it not profitable to Russia to Ukraine as the biggest consumer of Russian gas was solvent and stable country? 
If desired, Russia and Yeltsin could build at least about three absolutely transit pipelines through Ukraine gas at whatever came to Ukraine's GTS. Is throwing the water pipes economically feasible? But the fact is that for gas transit, something Russia and Ukraine would have to pay. Pay in Ukrainian budget, not bribes to local collaborators or fifth column - is, in terms of, help build the Ukrainian state s resources. 
Because Russia was ready to pay "rent" to anybody Germany, Poland and Slovakia - not only Ukraine. 
The economy here and slept. Russia's actions are not just nasty, it's actually the existence itself. Russia needs is "internal" Ukrainian gas transportation system, as an element of political pressure and the control lever Ukraine. 
But the ultimate goal is the same - the destruction of Ukraine. 
What is the motivation of Putin? It just crazy? Man wants to return the Soviet Union and at the same time building their own expense monument Denikin - enemy of Bolshevism? Is this the USSR without socialism, simply return the Russian Empire? 
Is it "energy empire" not invented Russian liberal Chubais? Is it during the first Russo-Chechen war, Russian prisoners recruits are not told how their commanders carried out political information, "Let us examine from Chechnya, go to Ukraine?" 
All Russian ideology is based on a single equation: "Russia = Russia". This is the alpha and omega, the basis of Russian identity. 
Attempts to divide the legacy of Kievan Rus is to no avail. Russian version of the "triune people" is an ideological schizophrenia, it's all one, if the sick person on the hoof, or roztroyenu consciousness, consciousness torn decided to be "friends", "pobratatysya" and "unite" in one skull. 
Various psevdoteoriyi "Ukraine as antyrosiyi" This simple reincarnation of the old ideotolohiyi "to Adopt nyebylo, nyet and longer byt Can!" 
Pogodinskaya hypothesis was rejected even imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, due to the lack of any archaeological evidence. But "Delo Pogodina zhivot" probably better than Lenin. Is not none of us had never heard that Ukrainian Carpathians came from somewhere in the 16th century and the 13th century the Great emigrated en masse to modern, through swamps and forests towards the Horde, but seemed to want to escape from it. 
If the idea did not work - it may, we must change the idea? Yuri Dolgoruky monument Swap on monument Khan Meng-Timur in Moscow and build a bunch of obelisks glorious warrior Genghis Khan and Batu - it schonaylehsha. But in the 21st century to explain to the Russians that they are second-class people after "churok" who actually built them great power as Tajiks now building Moscow? It is necessary to stand in a long line after Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan the right to inheritance of Genghis Khan. 
Why Finns and Estonians are not ashamed of their origin? For them, unlike empires, do not prove the local natives that God himself gave them the right to own other people. What you aborigines, is vital for its own self, for us, Imperials - and a long history of solid wins and victories, and the only true and eternal life, which goes to infinity. 
Empire always bright living past. But what to do when feykove past? 
If theory does not fit the facts, the facts should be destroyed. Ukraine was doomed to famine for more than 82% of Ukrainian in those days lived in villages. Ukrainian historians, writers, linguists and folklorists, people often emphasized apolitical probably do not realize that they are more dangerous than Bandera battalion and division Shuhevich. 
Democracy can not physically destroy scientific opponents. And enchanting lies flowing from the Kremlin tower, is not only part of the propaganda offensive of the war - it is also preventive protection from Russian counterattack, the future of Ukraine. 
This will not counterattack, football chants to rail and proposal for scientific discussion. Let the first popular science. 
What a terrible European integration of Ukraine? Russians are so worried about the future of Ukraine and the place in the EU? Of course not. In fact, the fate of Ukraine concerned about the Russians, they think about themselves and dear to my future. EU - a guarantee of the existence of Ukraine and Ukrainian as a nation. That is, it is the worst of all that can happen. Ukraine should disappear at any price. Otherwise Russia will not abstain and borders to the Urals. 
Finally, if you want Ukraine to build a "wall Kolomoiskiy"? Suddenly, the Russian-Ukrainian relations will improve? 
The answer - we must build immediately, and had to start yesterday. 
The relationship did not improve. It's not only in the occupied Crimea and burned by Donbass. After 8-10 years in oil finish, which is 65% of Russian exports, and gas, by the way, only 11%. That is, if the price of oil will fall, Putin will reach only one - he will be a saint ROC. It probably is not eternal, and all: problems and curse fall on his successor. 
Guaranteed economic crisis coupled with the global insulation generate powerful separatist movements. 
Boomerang returns. Especially if we can help him to return. 
Gennady Kovalev, especially for UP