неділя, 25 травня 2014 р.

"Donbass "

Became Famous shokyruyuschye circumstances , if kotorыh vыrыvalsya of okruzhenyya dobrovolcheskyy battalion "Donbass ", 23 May hitting a principle in the vicinity of the village Carlovka Donetsk region .

Terrorystы bыly vooruzhenы to the teeth , the APC 's rasporyazhenyy ymelsya . Most fighters managed to vыrvatsya of zasadы , in part ostalas okruzhenyy . Later hlavar terrorystov Bezler battalion commander told the "Donbass " Semёnu Semenchenko against murder plennыh fighters .
Yspolzuya Various Sources and sohlasovav poluchennuyu information from komandovanyem battalion "Donbass " group " Ynformatsyonnoe Resistance " RESTORED Hod of events , poluchyvshyh Large obschestvennыy resonance.
Flush 10-15 Minutes after beginning a collision Personal boevoho composition battalion "Donbass " osoznal , that greedily Carefully orhanyzovannuyu basis. Mesta raspolozhenyy ohnevыh of positions opponent bыly Carefully produmanы , work svydetelstvovala snipers at Peak professyonalnoy Preparation past.
Highest Level zasadы organization in areas where prezhde not otmechalas activity forces ATO , zastavlyaet predpolahat , that have obtained terrorystы info at battalion of movement "Donbass " zablahovremenno .
Shortly after the beginning of Boy rolled terrorystam arrived podkreplenye . For DATA group " Ynformatsyonnoe Resistance " nemnohym of previously DonetskThreeroom vыdvynulas convoy with vooruzhёnnыmy people ( judging by vneshnosty - kavkaztsev ), which will sent to Mesta side events.
It would Podkreplenye vooruzheno pulemёtamy PC ( áûë ydentyfytsyrovan minimum of one krupnokalybernыy pulemёt NSV -12, 7 " Utёs ") , as well as - AK " Soto Series " kotoraja sostoyt on vooruzhenyy army of. Armed Forces of Ukraine and others zakonnыe vooruzhёnnыe Formation of Ukraine of such weapons is not ymeyut . In addition terrorystamy yspolzovalys hranatы RHN with fervor ( vzrыvatelem ) GPA (" shock- dystantsyonnыy fuse ") - this hranatы yspolzuyutsya in the army of.
Appeal komandovanyya battalion "Donbass " k ATO Guide to no avail . Sounded obeschanyya proverb on podmohu bronetehnyku and aviation , but the outcome of nykakoy aid okazano was not.
Also (including s Thanks usylyyam group " Ynformatsyonnoe Resistance ") at vozle Carlovka Unfolding events bыly proynformyrovanы Representatives Guide Almost âñåõ sylovыh ​​structures in Kiev. This is well as non-existent .
"We are very s utra pыtalys Set âñ from us zavysyaschee , ODO k guys, kotorыe mnohochasovoy fought battle , send aid . We dёrhaly âñåõ who could. Nothing But not achieved . I uslыshal us vnyatnoho one word explanations , why guys " slyly ." If this is not Betrayal , I togda not know something takoe Betrayal "- soobschaet group coordinator " Ynformatsyonnoe Resistance "Dmitry Tыmchuk .
At the same Time , the " IS " there are at DATA volume , that one of podrazdelenyy Vooruzhёnnыh forces in the district of Conduct ATO has received a command vыdvynutsya aside Carlovka occasions and battalion aid "Donbass ". For reasons neyzvestnыm CEI commandment áûë not satisfied. In Present Time " IS " Carefully proveryaet эtu information.
In Outcome Of course , battalion "Donbass " independently vёl boy , kotorыy dlylsya 4.5 hours. Personal composition battalion ponёs boevыe loss. Fighter battalion áûëî ydentyfytsyrovano Destruction minimum of 15 terrorystov .
From okruzhenyya battalion vыhodyl themselves. Nykakoy extraneous aid - Ukraine co ​​storony ATO forces , us here ynыh formyrovanyy - emu okazano was not.
Recall leader of "the right sector" Dmitry Yarosh after Exit battalion of okruzhenyya was announced , that the ego of people helped vыrvatsya okruzhenyya osnovnыm forces " Donbass ".
" We ponyaly , that crowd our large polkovodtsev in heneralskyh zvanyyah nedolyublyvayut " Donbass " by ego independence. Heneralы schytayut Eto neupravlyaemostyu - notes the coordinator of the " IS " Dmitry Tыmchuk . - I agree with lohykoy Generalov : in edynoy operatsyy all sylы and sredstva dolzhnы podchynyatsya uniform guidance and unique zamыslu . But Eto sluchae in volume , when Eto edynoe guidance exists. In ATO ego We just did not show up.
Zato We swelling , that a handful of " neupravlyaemыh " Guys - dobrovoltsev deystvuyut more efficient , than ymenytыe Our ​​" strategy " napyalyvshye heneralskye lampasы and subordination in having the troops . "
Group « IS » ​​zayavlyaet , that does not put the point in Told case. " Too Much prolyvaetsya blood of our guys, and Too often" okazыvaetsya " something in the Told No -nothing Personal Area guilt. It does not bыvaet "- uveren Tыmchuk .
Recall 60 yesterday terrorystov okruzhyly bolnytsu with ranennыmy fighter battalion "Donbass " in Donetsk . Mylytsyya bezdeystvovala .
Photo from the site nashidni.org
Tags: происшествиясиловикиДонбассзасадапредательствоАТОТымчукинформационное soprotyvlenyeboytsыpotery

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